The present troubled political scenario in Afghanistan, in which Talibans/al-quida (read Pakistani Military), are overwhelming NATO/ISAF forces in Afghanistan, should be taken very seriously. This dilema needs a “robust Change Policy” both militarily and politicaly in AfPak sphere of politics, not only in Afghanistan but also in Pakistan.Only the retarded minded personalities trust a thief to appoint him/her to guard the treasury.
The same example applies to Pakistan, who is the proven god-father of Talibans/Al-quida but was included to “fight against terrorism”. The matter of the fact is that Pakistan is a terrorist State. She is terrorizing her own citizens for the last 62 years and is promoting terrorism in her neighbouring countries including the western democratic lands.
Dont´t forgett that Pro-talibani Pakistani Military has inflicted more crimes against humanity and used chemical bombs on Baloch than Saddam Hussain did against Kurds in Northern Iraq.
Again, it is accepted by Pakistan that Talibans are his future assets. It is clear that Pakistan endeavours, with the help of Iran, Saudi-arabia and potentially from China and Russia, to expell NATO and other forces from Afghanistan and day dreams to instal an oppressive Talibani Government in Afghanistan to massacre not only the ethnic minorities in both Pakistan and Afghanistan but also in the streets of the cities of Europe, Russia, United States and other democratic States.
It`s absurd to appease Pakistan with billions of dollars with the hope to avert the Talibani take over of the nuclear bombs of Pakistan. This “fear-card”used by Pakistan, should be ignored as the Nuclear bombs are already in the hands of Talibans who are using the Pakistani military caps presently.
“An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him, at last.” ….. Sir Winston Churchil.
Further more, Pakistani Army was defeated in Afghanistan by NATO forces. Pakistani brutal forces took “time-out” to confront the American forces in future, for which they played a cat and mouse play.
They played double games by fooling the American to get dollers which helped them to strengthen Talibans i.e. Pakistani Army and various insurgency groups in Afghanistan. The mentors of Pakistani Army provided lessons about the tactics to lay insurgency against the Soviet Army. With practical experience on the ground, now the mouse has been strong enough to be
caught by the cat (Americans)in Afghanistan Now, it`s a full fledged war which is taking place in Afghanistan. The war which is daily bread for some and death and destruction for the others. Pakistani Talibans (Pakistani Military), War Lords of Afghanistan,narcotic smugglers and potentially the American lobbyists are benefiting from the war while tax-payers of western civilisation, western soldiers on the ground in Afghanistan, the ethnic minorities in both Afghanistan and Pakistan are loosing their lives, properities and above of all their future freedom.
The future freedom of the western civilisation is at stake. The Indians are in shock and American are in the state of utmost fear for their future and they accept their potential… forced exit from Afghanistan.
We think the bright, intellectual minds of the Generals of NATO/ISAF forces in Afghanistan and the leaders of the civilian Governments of Western countries of the World have not forgotten the fact that they won the war in Afghanistan by approaching the “Northern Alliance” in the beginning. The same case was in Iraq.Unitd States of America approached to Kurds to defeat Sadam Hussain.
In the same way, it is inevitable for the NATO/ISAF forces to make alliance with the Balochs in Balochistan to defeat Talibans/Al-quida and their god-father…..Pakistani Army. Why Ann Petersson, the American Ambessador in Islamabad, laments about the nonavailability of their men in Balochistan?
A Baloch leader stated that, “Don`t be scared from the Pakistani “fear-card” like Indians but be bold to extend the hand of friendship to Balochs, to the Baloch Freedom Fighters(Sarmachars).”
With Baloch help, the Talibans can surely be defeated. Balochistan should be declared a no-fly zone forPakistani/Irani/Chinese Jet-fighters. All Pakistani forces should be forced to evacute from Balochistan who support the Talibans. “Sarmachars” – Baloch Freedom Fighters – should be entrusted the job to protect the borders between Balochistan and Afghanistan to deny the entry to Talibans to cross the border. An alliance with Balochs by NATO/ISAF forces is the best counter-insurgency against Talibans. Using the “Baloch Card” shall lead, slowly but surely, not only the freedom of Baluchistan but the total defeat of Talibans/al-quida (Pakistani Army)infiltration in Afghanistan. “Baloch Card” is the first and foremost step to win the war in Afghanistan.
Freedom of Balochistan is the only recipe to win in Afghanistan by democratic forces. The Baloch-card is the only rescue for NATO/ISAF forces and it is the light in the end of the tunnel to defeat the evil forces in South Asia. Siding with BALOCH, is the best counter-insurgency against Talibans,the last hope for the future generations of the world, to breathe in peaceful atmosphere, without any fear !!!!
(Afghan Baloch Think-Tank )
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