Baluchistan International Conference
(organized by American Friends of Baluchistan)
The first-ever international conference in the U.S. to highlight the plight of the Baluch people in Pakistan and Iran -- to mark the second anniversary of the extra judicial killing of Nawabzad Bala'ach Marri. Mehran Baluch, a brother of the slain leader and Baluch representative at the U.N. Human Rights Council, Geneva, will preside over the conference.
When: Saturday, November 21st, 2009 10 am – 6 pm
Where: National Press Club, Washington DC
The secular Baluch people in southwest Asia in Pakistan and Iran find their national existence threatened by different shades of religious extremism.
Topics of Conference
* Security in Af-Pak Region and U.S. aid to Pakistan
* State terrorism, slow motion genocide, torture & disappearances
* National sovereignty as birth right
Confirmed Speakers: Selig S. Harrison, T. Kumar, Saghir Shaikh, Robert R. Selle, Annie Nocenti, Andrew Eiva, Prof Gul Agha, Ismail Ameeri. Ali Arjemandi, Mohammad Ali Baloch, Munir Mengal, Dr. Zafar Baloch, Dr. Karim Abdian, Aziz Baloch, Humaira Rahman, Mumtaz Khan and Malik Baloch.
Event is free but RSVP. Lunch served.
Venue: National Press Club One block from Metro Center metro station 529 14th St. NW 13th Floor, Washington DC 20045
RSVP: Rashid Baloch
Email: ahmar_scribe@yahoo.com;
Phone: 301-957-0008 http://baluchistan.newsvine.com;
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