London: Exiled Baloch Leader Nawabzada Hyrbyair Marri has said that Baloch and Sindhi people need to join together and struggle against the Pakistani Occupation. He further said in the last over 60 years of Pakistan's existence Baloch and Sindhi have been victimized and terrorized by the state of Pakistan in different ways.
Commenting on the resolution passed by Sindhi friends Hyrbyair said that Balochistan should always be mentioned as "occupied Balochistan" rather than a province of Pakistan.
Answering to a Question about the position of Sardars after Independence Mr Marri said that there is a tribal system in Baluchistan which is wrongfully and deliberately being portrayed as a feudal system. "Sardars are also part of the Baloch society and we can address our differences ourselves. There are already several educated Baloch like Dr Allah Nazar and others involved in Balochistan Liberation struggle and they are not Sadars or Nawabs".
Full text of Hyrbyair Marri's speech at world Sindhi Congress annual conference:
First of all I would like to thank the World Sindhi Congress for giving me this opportunity to express my views.
Sindhi and Baloch both democratic and secular Nations are facing the same enemy which is Pakistani Army and Punjabi as the dominant nation. Sindhis are almost suffering same fate as the Baloch. I am not aware of the facts that how Sindh has become a part of Pakistan BUT what I do know is that Sindh and Balochistan have long been the victims of Pakistan’s violence.
Pakistan exploits our natural resources, including our waters, gas, oil, and land, in order to support its bloated military at the expense of other nations. The Pakistani government has been building a number of mega-dams that have drastically reduced the flow of water to Sindh. Pakistan embarked upon demographic changes that threaten to reduce the Baloch and Sindhi to a minority in their own Homeland.
In Balochistan the Pakistani Army wants to bring in Punjabi and Mohajirs to Gwadar and surrounding areas so that they can turn the Baloch into a minority in their own homeland. That is why the people of Balochistan are opposed to the construction of the so called mega projects because they consider these projects as mega disaster against the indigenous people of Balochistan.
Sindhi and Baloch have a justified right to demand for sovereign and Independent homelands, where they can live with peace and dignity. Where, their children and family are not humiliated and harassed on daily bases. The demand of a sovereign country is a common cause which both nations share, that is why a joint struggle for this common cause would be very useful rather than individual efforts.
I’m sure you are all aware of the fact that Balochistan was never a part of Pakistan. According to Baloch scholar and the author of "The Problem of Greater Balochistan," Dr. Inyatullah Baloch, ‘United Balochistan’ existed as a tribal confederacy based on the collective and cooperative concept of Baloch tribalism from 1756-1795 in the name of "Khanate of Baluchistan," Baloch people’s struggle is purely to regain their Independent State. Since the occupation of Free Balochistan, the Pakistani army has killed thousands of our children, elderly, men and women. Thousands have been forced out of their home and forced to take refuge not only in neighbouring provinces of Pakistan but also in neighbouring countries.
Currently thousands of Baloch activists are missing from Balochistan. The missing persons consist of people of all ages and spheres of life. The level of repression against the Baloch is more intense than the level of repression in Sindh. Baloch are left with no other option but to resist the occupation of their land and to defend themselves.
Pakistan is the worst example of Islamic fundamentalism. This fundamentalism started with the idea of the two nation theory; if it was not for the egoistic Jinnah Muslims would have had a greater voice in the geion. The creation of Pakistan was firstly detrimental to Muslims, then the Baluch and then to the Sindhis. I say this because the image of Muslims has suffered since the creation of Pakistan, the Independence has been undermined and the sovereignty of Sindh has vanished.
Pakistan establishment has introduced Islamic fundamentalist culture in Balochistan in order to subdue Baloch Nationalism and promote their Pakistani version of false Islamic values which are in a contradiction to Baloch values, for the instability in Afghanistan and also a great help in promoting international terrorism. This proves that Punjab is willing to sacrifice International peace and stability to insure food on their table.
The creation of Pakistan was for the sole purpose of improving and empowering the long enslaved Punjabi Nation, this was proven when over 2 million Bangladeshis were massacred only because they challenged the Punjabi hegemony over Pakistan. The neo-colonialist Punjabi elite have as yet not learned their lesson through their artificial country’s first disintegration of East Pakistan. The Pakistan establishment and Punjabi elite are still pursuing their neo-colonialist policies in order to feed the Punjabi by illegally maintaining their occupation over Baluchistan.
The Baluch Nation has strived for freedom since its occupation by Pakistan. The level of resistance has varied due to circumstances but the will and aspiration of the Baluch people for freedom has not changed. The people of Balochistan, especially the youth are convinced that the Punjab will not be successful in suppressing the Baluch for long.
At present the Sindhis and the Baluch have the same enemy therefore there is an urgent need to unite, resist and defeat this common enemy because our identity and survival is at stake.
I advise the Sindhi friend that you should learn from the experience of the Baluch that the enemy will only get stronger and confident with time, therefore you should unite be willing to sacrifice and defend your motherland.
I urge the Baloch and Sindhi people to join against the common enemy for their common gaol to achieve their sovereign and Independent homelands.
The more united we are – the sooner we can achieve our goal of Independence.
I would like to finish with a quote of Nelson Mandela. He wrote in his famous biography "Long walk to Freedom,"
"Over and over again, we had used all non-violent weapons in our arsenal--speeches, deputations, threats, marches, strikes, stays-away, voluntarily imprisonments-- all to no avail, for whatever we did was met by iron hand. A freedom fighter learns the hard way that it is the oppressor who defines the nature of the struggle, and the oppressed is often left no recourse but to use methods, that those of the oppressor."
What Sindhis have got for last 60 years is; few assassinated prime ministers and what Baloch got is the bodies of their leaders and other loved ones.
Shindhi and Baloch lets Unite and say Pakistan Nakhapay.
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