eet three-year old Beurag Baloch. He is the son of Jalil Reki, the central secretary information of the Baloch Republican Party (BRP), who went missing since the early days of 2009. Beurag tells us that he believes his father was picked up by the agencies. He does not exactly know what “agencies” mean and what their job is. Yet, he says he misses his “missing father” very much.
His dad is among thousands of Balochs who are currently “missing” after being whisked away by the country’s intelligence agencies. They say some 4000 Balochs have “disappeared” at the moment.
Beurag held my hand and asked me to take his picture pretending to be behind bars in order to convey his willingness to go behind bars in return of his missing father’s release.
“Uncle, can you do me this favor,” he asked this afternoon.
I could not promise but assured to convey his message with his own photograph to everyone that this young child is volunteering to go to Pakistan’s torture cells in return of his father’s release from the custody of the intelligence agencies.
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