Friday, December 4, 2009

What next King Khan?

After the martyrdom of Nawab Akbar khan Bugti,the waves of hatred against Pakistan spread all over Balochistan. Pakistani regime was day dreaming, they predicted they will takeover Balochistan and continue the plundering of Baloch national resources and supress the Baloch by the force of jet's & bomb.

It was the same time when present Khan of Kalat,Mir Suleman Dawood Khan,called grand Baloch Tribal Jirga after the long period of 138 years, where all the participants of the Jirga had agreed to take Balochistan's case to the International Court of Justice at Hague. After a few months of this Jirga, 2 Nawabs took the oath of loyalty with their homeland; one was elected as a Chief Minister the other Governor by a magic stick. Later on, Khan Kalat flew to Britain along with historical documents/treaties of Balochistan.

The war for Independence is continuing in all over Balochistan. Our brave brothers and sisters are spreading the message of martyrs in every town & village of Balochistan. While Baloch national army sacrificing their lives, about 8000 Baloch prisoners of war are in the torture cells of Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

But still Balochistan's case is on pending. Khan of Kalat was out of screen from several months. One day I came to know that Khan applied for asylum in the Britain but his application was rejected by the authorities. Shortly Khan's statement published in Balochistan's newspapers that his asylum is only hurdle in the way of Balochistan's case once its approved he would travel to The Hague and take the case in the International Court of Justice.

God bless her Majesty the Britain Queen that she approved the asylum application of our King Mir Suleiman Dawood Khan. Now the last hurdle of Balochistan's case has been removed by the her Majesty, I hope that Khan Kalat will work day and night for the freedom of his homeland and soon Balochistan's case will be present at Hague in the World Court of Justice.

Written By: ALI BALUCH

1 comment:

  1. Baluchistan is the problem of ALL Baluch, All Baluch must contribute, we must not allow this to be a KHAN call only. Specifically Nawab Khair Bux Marri, Bramdag Bugti, Sardar Mengal, ALL Sardars and every one who believes in Independen Baluchistan.
    Khan has given a commitment of 50% of the Cost of the case, will the rest of the Baluch icluding our NATIONAL leader collectively will give a commitment for the rest of 50%?


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